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Rógaire Dubh
the Album






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Tracks - An Rógaire Dubh listen to track
The Bould Mick O'Brien


That black haired rogue has my socks and my shoes,
That black haired rogue has my socks and my shoes,
That black haired rogue has my socks and my shoes,
And my hankerchief for a year and a day now.

We were in Mick O’ Brien’s kitchen and as Caoimhín launched an Rógaire Dubh with a thick humming note it brought an instinctive resonant response from me. Caoimhín and Mícheál were old friends with the tune and were up for a fresh take on it.

Caoimhín had definite ideas for this track and started off at uncharacteristic pace on the hardanger. Mícheál was doubtful about this robust strategy but Caoimhín’s humour was positive, definite, and infectious.

“That’s very fast” said Mick”.
Caoimhín agreed and said “go faster.”
His vision didn’t have room for compromise so Mick said he’d go along to see what would happen.

Caoimhín took the tune with verve and agility and Mick, sensing the pulse, didn’t rein it back in but joined him with equal gusto on the whistle. The result was a gem

:Lorcán Mac Mathúna Taken from the Sleeve notes of "Rógaire Dubh" the Album



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