are two versions of this song in Amhrán Mhuighe Seola,
a six verse version titled Sail Óg Rua, which has a tune
fairly similar to the one used on this recording, and another
titled Oileán Eadaigh, which has a different air but has
mostly the same words.
Both of these
are included in the book Cuisle an Cheoil published by Oifig
an tSoláthair in 1976. Mícheál Ó Tiománaidhe
had a 32 line version, without music, published in his 1906
Ghaeilge an Iarthair.
His story
of the song suggested that Saileog had been taken by the fairies
(the slua sídhe). Perhaps the most convincing –though
still very unusual- story is given by Tomás Ó Coinceannanais
in Nua Dhuanaire cuid a III, published in 1978 by Institúid
Ardléinn Bhaile Átha Cliath. He gives a reference
to a manuscript in Roinn Bhéaloideas Éireann
in UCD, which suggests that the song was written by one John
McHugh of Islandeady, Co. Mayo. It was put that this John McHugh
was the husband of Saileog Rua and had been tried and, possibly
wrongfully, found guilty of her murder. I recall hearing a
story that indicated that Saileog's husband had written the
song having killed her and that her two brothers who had come
in the night to exact vengeance for their sister's death, were
convinced of his genuine grief and innocence having heard this
song and let him go unharmed. -Truth and fiction sometimes
Both Josie
Séan Jack and Darach Ó Catháin recorded
similar versions to the one on this CD.
Mac Mathúna
mise an trua mhuire, ghoil go carraigin an fhasaigh.
Ag gol is ag garthail, agus ag déanamh bróin.
Ag oiliunt mo leinbh ar bhacan mo láimhe.
Is gan fiu an braoin bainne agam a thabharfainn dhó.
Nil mé ach tréith lag, is nil gar dha sheanadh.
Nil mé ar aon chor ach mar an cheo.
Ta fuil mo chroí 'stigh dhá dóirteadh na braointibh.
Is a Dhia cén t-ionadh, i ndiadh mo Shaileog rua.
aois a sé déag, sea fuair mé fhéin í.
Is ó nar dheas an féirín í ag fear le fail.
Ach a stór mo cléibhe is tú a dfhág liom fein mé.
Mar chuaidh tú i gcré uaim, is tú in do chailín óg.
liom go mor mor in mo dhiadh sa ród thú.
Ag blean mo bhó dhom, nó a bheith i mbun mo thigh.
Na saibhreas Sheoirse is e fhail le stroinse.
Is gur faoi na fodaibh a chuir me stor mo chroi.
ghra do bheilin, nár chum riamh bhreaga.
Is bhi do bhrollach alainn mar an eala ag snamh.
Bhi do dha chi gléigeal le do leanbh a bhréagadh.
Is a stór dá bhféadfainn ní bhfaighfeá bás.