about Preabmeadar
“an extraordinary meeting of wordcraft and music rhythms” -Ellen Cranitch; Lyric FM
Preab meadar is something brand new in contemporary trad and Celtic music. 1000 years in the making, it is a sensational new dance music style, of complex rhythms and elaborate lyrics.
Comprising unprecedented rhythms and singing style; it owes its inception to early and medieval Celtic Literature. In particular it is grounded in Gaelic strict-metre syllabic poetry of the medieval period 600AD - 1600AD.
The compositions of Daire Bracken and Lorcán Mac Mathúna are without precedent and have to be heard to be imagined.
Samhradh (Deachnadh Beag)
A "light-stepping dance" in 5/8 and 6/8 rhythms from the 11th century Roscommon poets collection.
SÉadnadh mÓr (The Lion and fox)